We've created a short 10-question quiz overviewing AdOps in 2021. The quiz is designed to offer a quick, dare we say fun, reprieve from everything else going on right now.
Topics covered include market size, growth forecasts, industry-standard revenue breakdowns, trends, challenges, operational benchmarks, and more.

Put to the Test, Does Your Knowledge Hold Up?
Whether you fancy yourself an industry insider or a relative newcomer to the world of AdOps, we hope you managed to learn something from our quiz.
Even if you’re a complete whiz and got every question right, we hope you had some fun. If you did, please feel free to pass the quiz along to your colleagues and see how your knowledge stacks up to theirs.
If you’re particularly proud of your performance, consider leaving a record for posterity by posting your score in the comments section along with your name, place of employment, and job title.
If you're curious about the sources for any of the answers, be sure to check out oolo’s 2021 State of AdOps report.
If you believe we got something wrong or overlooked important AdOps facts or industry insights, feel free to reach out to us.